Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Not Allowed

Things That Shouldn't Be Allowed In An Office Setting

*You're not allowed to make popcorn after you've burned it more than once before!!!

*If you need to charge your cell phone during the day, do it at your desk...not in some random place in the office!

*Halloween, Christmas, Easter, etc. apparel... you don't need to be wearing your orange shirt with the Jack-o-lantern on it to the office! I don't care if it's October 31st. (keep the matching earrings at home too, please.)

*Christmas music before the month of December, and it must end December 25th as well. (I'm not a scrooge...25 days of straight Christmas music is enough!)

*No 8x10 photos of your kids or your pets

*The smell of cigarette smoke. If you're a smoker, you must decon before entering the building.

*Silk flowers or plants! Get the real stuff, or don't bother!

*A video camera. I don't want to see your child's gymnastics routine...nor their choir concert.

*Pictures from your family vacation. One or maybe two pictures -that's fine, but don't make your co-workers go through your entire collection. We Really Don't Care!

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